31 Really Bad Masturbation Techniques
OMFG! You guys have GOT to read this, BUT i will forwarn you, it might cause a bit of anxiety and number 2 your pecker might shrink up so badly to hide itself from your hairy palm that you may never get to stroke it again!
31 Really Bad Masturbation Techniques
Now, I had to laugh my ass off at some of these, but then again I’m a girl….but some of them made even ME cringe! hehe
be sure to check out As Red As
September 3rd, 2005 at 4:06 pm
Ouch! Some of those should get a Darwin award!
September 7th, 2005 at 7:25 am
LOL, they musta seen your “Ouch” and didnt bother to touch it .. truly amazing what some college kids will do for kicks eh?